About Watrex

WATREX Prague is the largest distributor and producer of HPLC techniques in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. A privately owned company, was founded by Dr, Milan Minarik in 1990, initially as a distributor of Waters Division of Millipore. The company was built up on invention of the scientists coming from academical research that imprinted the company the theoretical and practical experience and expert skills in all the modes of liquid chromatography. Currently, 15 people are working in the company and several outsourcing companies cooperate. Two subsidiaries, namely WATREX International in the U.S.A, and WATREX Bratislava in Slovakia have been set up in the meantime. 3 millions Euro is Watrex current turn over.

In the first decade of its existence, the company passed through a significant progress. Subsequently, it approached more than 20 distributorships with leading suppliers of HPLC technique, instruments and comsumables LDC Analytical (latest TSP, currently ThermoFinnigan), Rheodyne, Jour Research, Hewlett-Packard, Macherey Nagel, Supelco, Grom/Alltech/Grace, Shodex, Tosoh, Polymer Laboratories, Knauer, Sunchrom, ILS, GL Science, Optimize, SMI LabHut, Spark Holland, LabAlliance, Sequant, FasTech Dr. Maisch, Radleys, Purite and others. At the end of the last century WATREX launched its own instrument development and production. WATREX produces LC components under the label DeltaChrom. In addition it supplies instrument control software for other LC producers, as well as special LC columns and bulk packing (Polymer IEX, Sample clean up GPC packing). Another product line is represented by robotic manipulators for Amersham DNA analyzers. Dr. Minarik, owner and the Chief Executive Officer, has a rich scientific history. He is co-author of numerous patents, publications and chromatography book. Since 1991, he organized ten international HPLC Symposiums in Prague, where the top European and American chromatographic authorities participated as plenary lecturers.

Facts about Watrex
  • Focus : Distributor
  • Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology

Here you will find Watrex Praha, s.r.o.

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