Bayerisches Institut für Angewandte Umweltforschung und -technik

Bayerisches Institut für Angewandte Umweltforschung und -technik - bifa GmbH
About Bayerisches Institut für Angewandte Umweltforschung und -technik
„All-in-one-Solutions for your Profit“ is our brand promising. It concentrates on the essential point of our range of services. We do not focus on our interest in scientific work – but on the desired targets of our customers.
Analyses and concepts are a first step to problem solution. But new idea are of no help if not being realized. As an Institute bifa therefore, follows an exceptional path: we provide solid solutions. Our engineers develop processed solutions in laboratories or pilot plants. On request we then provide the new plant and machinery turn-key ready to our customers.
We offer micro biological and chemical problem analyses - but we also assist in the implementation of our ideas.
We offer strategy consulting in the area of environmental technology – but we also transfer the concepts into praxis orientated specifications.
We develop internet presentations and databank systems – if the customer desires, we also operate it on his behalf.
Based on a broad knowledge and selected core competences bifa offers individual all-in-one or partial solutions around the technical protection of the environment. For all enterprises which want to produce a surplus based on consideration for the environment, we are the ideal contact.
We mainly become active were ecological and sustainable acting leads to economical success. Thus, we pay a concrete contribution to environmental protection.
- Focus : Service
- Industry : Environmental Technology