Edelstahl-Mechanik GmbH
About Edelstahl-Mechanik
Meanwhile, the group is looking to more than 30 years company history back. This has always been characterized by reliability, professionalism and flexibility. From the outset, we have understood ourselves as a partner of our customers, for which we not only want to be a manufacturing company, but above all also a professional consultant and service provider in the fields of development and design. As an owner-managed medium-sized company, the close cooperation with our customers is very important to us. From this mutual appreciation, new and future-oriented techniques and procedures are emerging, in order to meet the requirements of our business partners. Through regular training and an absolutely team-oriented work environment, the motivation of our employees is consistently high. This has a positive effect on the success of our customers. Benefit from our know-how and experience over 30 years of competence in stainless steel.
- Industry : Production technology