MEI Valvole Industriali s.r.l.
About MEI Valvole Industriali
We manufacture Made in Italy industrial valves for different fields of application since 1985 and we have four lines of production for different fields of application:
RED LINE: Dual Plate check valves, Swing check valves, Spring check valves, Counterweight check valves, Disc check valves and Butterfly valves for Oil&Gas, marine and water industry.
WHITE LINE: Hygienic Butterfly valves and Rotary valves for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
GREEN LINE: Butterfly valves and Sight Glasses for food and chemical industry.
BLACK LINE: Damper valves for fumes and high temperatures.
Our main strength is the product customization: we have standard productions but we can also customize our products based on our customers' specific requests.
Thanks to our representatives' network, we are able to deliver our valves worldwide.
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Production technology