Bergmann Messgeräte Entwicklung KG
About Bergmann Messgeräte Entwicklung
Bergmann Messgeraete Entwicklung KG is a small family owned company based in Murnau am Staffelsee. It was founded in 1991 to develop and produce advanced time-of-flight (ToF) mass spectrometers. The founder – Dr. Thorald Bergmann – has built a world record breaking ToF mass spectrometer as his Ph.D thesis.
For the first few years Bergmann Messgeraete Entwicklung was developing both small instruments such as the Linear ToF as well as high end research apparatus like the ALBATROS Esi-ToF. Both types of instruments were designed using advanced ion optical methods attaining high sensitivity as well as high mass resolution approaching the phase space limit dictated by the Liouville theorem.
In the late 1990’s our product lineup was expanded by a high precision delay generator which can be used for synchronizing different events of an experiment. Further development of the Delaygenerators functionality makes it now the most advanced and versatile trigger system available today. Around that time the use of Pockels Cells started to become popular in Laser physics. As there existed only very few and not very reliable drivers on the market we were approached to build Pockels cell drivers. In the early 2000’s our fearless leader developed the first working prototype and with constant enhancements of the technology we are now the no. 1 producer of Pockels Cell drivers in the world.
- Founding: 1991
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology
Product portfolio of Bergmann Messgeräte Entwicklung
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Topic World Spectroscopy
Investigation with spectroscopy gives us unique insights into the composition and structure of materials. From UV-Vis spectroscopy to infrared and Raman spectroscopy to fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy, spectroscopy offers us a wide range of analytical techniques to precisely characterize substances. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of spectroscopy!