dichrom GmbH
Chromatography through Innovation

About dichrom
dichrom is concentrating on the distribution and support of high quality products for liquid chromatography, synthesis and isolation. The personal and individual customer support is of substantial importance for dichrom. Here a competent and comprehensive product and application advisory service as well as method development and scientific customer training are fundamental parts of dichrom´s philosophy. The portfolio covers the whole area of NP- and RP-chromatography, IEX, SEC as well as HILIC and chiral chromatography. New products for LC-MS and Proteomics complete the product line. Finally dichrom offers products for the isotope ratio mass spectrometry. For dichrom it is very important to make its chromatographic knowledge available for all its customers. From our own experience we know, that the daily business in chromatography brings continuously new demands. Here the key is having good ideas, high quality products and a good sense of orientation. This is what we can offer our customers for an individual solution. With competent partners and their quality products as well as our skilled contact persons, dichrom gives access and support to a complete product assortment for all chromatographic questions. dichrom GmbH – Chromatography & Know-How with personal advice
- Founding: 2005
- Focus : Distributor
- Employees: 1-10
- Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology