micro-biolytics GmbH
About micro-biolytics
The major focus of micro-biolytics GmbH is the provision of services for the pharmaceutical industry. The current spectrum of services offered ranges from the development of individual applications to service measurements in combination with statistical and mathematical data analysis to the integration of the patented AquaSpec technology into the production process of the pharmaceutical industry. The AquaSpec method is based on infrared spectroscopy in the medium infrared range; it is a sensitive and specific spectroscopic method for the analysis of aqueous or organic samples, e.g. detection of pharmaceutically active substances. micro-biolytics GmbH has further developed the method, making it fit for industrial application. Based on its patented AquaSpec technology, the company offers fully automated analysis systems for use in pharmaceutical drug development, process control and medical diagnostics.
- Focus : Service
- Industry : Pharma