About Rigaku

Founded in 1951, Rigaku recently celebrated its 70th year as one of the foremost manufacturers of X-ray analysis, thermal analysis and non-destructive testing instruments. Since the company’s inception, we have continued to develop and grow alongside our customers, always mindful of our mission: to contribute to the enhancement of humanity through scientific and technological development. All of us hope that the work we do today will make the world a better place for the generations that follow, and we give our sincere thanks to our customers for letting us pursue that mission.

In the interest of sustainability we are seeing large scale changes in energy, efficiency and a multitude of other touch points in our every day lives. This, along with the increased flow of information available to us all is having a dramatic impact on the shape and structure of society.

In order to keep pace with these changes and the resulting new needs we have, there is an insatiable demand for high-impact research and development in renewable energy, new materials and cutting edge semiconductor devices. In parallel, many of us expect that developments in life science, by elucidating the mechanisms of life through the structural analysis of genes and complex proteins, will push us into a new age of medicine and pharmaceuticals. Similarly, this will contribute to the enhancement of humanity by protecting human life and health.

Through Rigaku’s research and development efforts in X-ray analysis, we have developed analytical techniques and technologies that support these kinds of fundamental research, as well as improvements in quality control that are essential for the manufacture of safe and reliable products.

Our thin film characterization systems contribute to the development and production of semiconductors and electronic components that form the backbone of the communication and information processing devices we need to function in a digital society, and our environmental analysis instruments support sustainability, protecting the world for future generations.

In the ongoing pursuit of our corporate goals to improve society, creating a sustainable global environment will continue to be a primary focus. We will take every opportunity to work as a trusted partner with our customers as we push forward together, developing new and exciting technology.

To our customers in Japan, the United States, Europe, Asia and indeed around the world, thank you for an excellent first 70 years. We look forward to continuing to support you in your scientific and industrial endeavors for the next 70.

Facts about Rigaku
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Employees: 1001-5,000
  • Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology

Rigaku Products in the Spotlight

CQL Max-ID / CQL Gen-ID / CQL Narc-ID

CQL Max-ID / CQL Gen-ID / CQL Narc-ID by Rigaku

Rigaku CQL Handheld 1064 nm Raman Analyzers for Rapid Chemical Threat Analysis

mobile Raman spectrometers

Prodigy by Rigaku

Progeny Handheld Raman Analyser for Raw Material Identification and Verification

mobile Raman spectrometers
ZSX Primus IV

ZSX Primus IV by Rigaku

ZSX Primus IV - High Power Sequential WDXRF Spectrometers with Industry-Leading Light Element Sensitivity and Resolution

wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence analyzers

nano3DX by Rigaku

High-Precision 3D Computed Tomography Scanner with Submicron Resolution

computed tomography systems

CT Lab HV by Rigaku

High-Voltage, and High-Resolution CT Scanner for Non-Destructive Research and Industrial Inspection

computed tomography systems

MiniFlex by Rigaku

Benchtop XRD X-ray Diffractometer

x-ray diffractometers
Micro-Z ULS

Micro-Z ULS by Rigaku

Accurately measure sulphur content in fuels: WDXRF analyser

Reliable routine analyses with 0.3 ppm detection limit and compact design

WDXRF spectrometers

Supermini200 by Rigaku

Element analysis made easy: compact WDXRF spectrometer for industrial applications

Achieve fast and accurate results with minimal space requirements and advanced technology

X-ray fluorescence spectrometers

News about Rigaku

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