C1 Green Chemicals


About C1 Green Chemicals

C1 develops new, climate-friendly chemical production processes by rethinking chemical reactions from the atomic level all the way up to production scale.

The first innovation to spin out of our technology platform is a novel, proprietary methanol catalysis. This groundbreaking technology disrupts a century old chemical production process and enables us to unlock non-fossil feedstocks for the production of green methanol.

Green methanol will play a pivotal role in the defossilization of the carbon-based chemical industry and is poised to become the alternative fuel of choice for net-zero shipping. The market for green methanol is expected to grow to appr. $200 billion per year by 2050. The resulting CO2 saving potential of green methanol is several gigatons per year (several percentage points of current global CO2 emissions).

Our goal is to advance carbon neutral transportation and chemical production.

Facts about C1 Green Chemicals
  • Founding: 2022
  • Focus : Service
  • Industry : Chemistry, Production technology

Product portfolio of C1 Green Chemicals

Product portfolio

News about C1 Green Chemicals

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