Better Basics Laborbedarf GmbH
About Better Basics Laborbedarf
Better Basics Laborbedarf GmbH, a spin-off from the Leibniz-Institute for Polymer Research Dresden, develops, manufactures and sells smart basic equipment for laboratories. The production, prototyping and serial production, is carried out via 3D printing. The innovative products are protected by various industrial property rights. Better Basics Laborbedarf revolutionizes the organization of laboratory workstations and the way basic laboratory work is carried out, which leads to an improvement in workplace safety and an increase in the efficiency of the laboratory staff. The products of Better Basics Laborbedarf will be established as standard equipment for every laboratory. The market for analog laboratory equipment is a Billion-Euro-Market with continuous strong growth and high margins. The management team possesses very complementary skill sets and is supported by an experienced team as well as an extensive external network.
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Laboratory equipment / supplies