About SciNote

SciNote is a top-rated platform for researchers in academia or industry, who need electronic lab notebook, inventory management and project management functionalities.

SciNote organizes your data by projects, experiments and tasks, which gives structure and context to all your experimental data.

Facts about SciNote
  • Founding: 2015
  • Focus : Service
  • Industry : Laboratory equipment / supplies, IT

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Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory

The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.

5+ products
3 whitepaper
5+ brochures
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Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory

Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory

The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.

5+ products
3 whitepaper
5+ brochures