
GoBuyChem UK

Compare chemical prices & buy from multiple suppliers

About GoBuyChem

We are all becoming used to using the power of the internet to make personal purchases. We can get the products and services that are right for us at the best prices, delivered to us at the time and place that we want. Traditionally the chemical industry has been slow to change but now the time is right to use the power of the internet to benefit your business.

GoBuyChem is a new way of buying chemicals online and for selling chemicals online in the world of business to business transactions. GoBuyChem provides Buyers of chemicals with a unique way of searching many suppliers concurrently and asking them to quote for a supply of chemical, defined according to the chemical, the type of packaging, the timing of delivery at the best prices to suit you. GoBuyChem provides Sellers of chemicals with a low cost effective channel to reach the market. GoBuyChem has also developed a partner distribution network that will arrange the collection and delivery of the chemicals. GoBuyChem can also help with the provision of financing of purchases ranging from 15 to 60 days at competitive interest rates. GoBuyChem can minimise the administration involved in buying and selling chemicals once you have registered on the website.

Facts about GoBuyChem
  • Founding: 2016
  • Focus : Distributor
  • Industry : Chemistry

Product portfolio of GoBuyChem

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