
XRF Scientific Europe GmbH

XRF Scientific - Unique Products from one Source


About XRF Scientific

XRF Scientific Limited is an Australian listed company (ASX: XRF) based in Perth, Western Australia. XRF manufactures equipment and chemicals, which are distributed to production mines, construction material companies and commercial analytical laboratories, in Australia and overseas, and used in the preparation of samples for analysis.

XRF has manufacturing, sales and support facilities located in Perth, Melbourne, Europe and Canada, plus a global network of distributors. The Company has representation in the United States, South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

XRF’s technology is used to measure the composition and purity of materials and is mainly applied in industrial quality control and in process control for manufacturing processes in industries such as metals and mining, construction materials, chemicals and petrochemicals.

XRF’s products help customers to improve product quality and performance, increase productivity and yield and reduce downtime and waste. Its businesses have established positions in their specialised markets.

Facts about XRF Scientific
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Employees: 51-200
  • Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology

XRF Scientific Products in the Spotlight

Automated Fusion Equipment

Automated Fusion Equipment by XRF Scientific

Automated Fusion Equipment

Sample Preparation at Highest Level

fusion equipment

xrTGA1100 by XRF Scientific

TGA - determine Moisture, Volatile matter, Ash and Loss on Ignition contents in various substances

Remove the organic portion so that further analysis of the minerals can take place

thermogravimetric analyzers
Catalogue: Labware made of precious metals

Catalogue: Labware made of precious metals by XRF Scientific

Labware made of precious metals

For sample preparation at highest level

lab equipment

Product portfolio of XRF Scientific

Product portfolio

Product brands


Here you will find XRF Scientific Europe GmbH

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