Comparing ICP-OES Analyzers' Plasma Views: Axial, Radial, Dual, MultiView, and Dual Side-On
A Comparison of the Basic Functioning of the Technologies
This new paper reviews the core concepts surrounding the optical interfaces that are available for ICP-OES spectrometers today and discusses the relative strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
The paper explains how each technique works and why understanding the plasma-viewing interface should be a major factor in the selection of the best technology and instrument for your laboratory or specific area of research.
The paper also introduces SPECTRO's new DSOI technology, a brand-new approach to the critical issue of plasma view design, uses a vertical plasma torch, observed via a new direct radial-view technology.
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Comparing ICP-OES Analyzers' Plasma Views: Axial, Radial, Dual, MultiView, and Dual Side-On
A Comparison of the Basic Functioning of the Technologies